Mad Dog and Jenna rate the remaining.


Mad Dog and Jenna rate the remaining.

Postby Mad Dog » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:04:50 pm

So based on your time in the game,it's who you want to see go far and who you don't.

- Kimmi (my first ally)
- Debbie (god she cracked me up, her sexual limericks, I love how off putting they are to everyone. Like the thread where she wrote one about her whole tribe and no-one responded. Go debb)
- Jeff (I'm slowly realising he is an alliance whore though)
- Stacey
- Angie (she was really sweet to me, even though voting me out)
- Carter (he was nice at first, a bit on the fence about him)
- Hayden
- Keith, because old Madhesi.

- Tina screwed me, so bai, bitch. icon_surprised
- Artis gave me nothing in the game
- Chris out me up for sacrifice, but I was voted out. How does that even work? Lol he knew I was gone.
- Lisa seems like an arrogant twat

Ad anyone else I didn't meet or they didn't make an impression on me.
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Re: Mad Dog and Jenna rate the remaining.

Postby Jenna » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:27:37 pm

We are the queens of Loser's Lodge.

-Stacey. Hilarious, and basically my only ally the whole game lol.
-Mad Dog. Duh.
-Debb. Her poems disturbed me in ways I can't understand.
-Papa Bear. From an outsider's view, he seemed like a crazy strategist who fell early, which is an archetype I love.

-Angie. She seemed nice, and caused a huge convo about cookies during a challenge. It distracted me from the challenge--that temptress.
-BB. He literally spoke like 2 times, and each post had racist undertones. I don't support racism, but he was quite the character.
-Ramona. I despise her for stabbing me in the back, but she truly did seem sorry for it, so I'm not that angry. Plus the entire Rai tribe made a love thread for me after I left, so.
-Hayden. See Ramona.
-Sean. I tried to vote him off, so I can't really blame him for doing the same. He was nice and funny.
-Rich. Also an overstrategist, apparently sent lists to his alliance members lol. He was nice I guess.
Jeff. Another crazy alliance maker lol. He was funny too.

Don't really know, but seemed cool
-Carter. See title.
-Kimmi. Seemed to enjoy a good time. Good taste in allies.

-Lisa. She seemed nice but also kinda fake? Idk

-Keith. I don't know Keith at all.
-Denise. I don't know Denise.
-Artis. Apparently plays like an accountant? Lol
-Zane. A hilarious outcast that quit, apparently. I don't know him either though.

Rooting Against
-Tina. How DARE she slay Mad Dog and put Stacey in danger. </3
-Chris. He joked about throwing the challenge I was voted off on. This caused Ramona to lead a rampage against him back at camp lol.

Also, even though I put all of Rai sans Stacey in Good, I wouldn't mind seeing them voted out <3
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Re: Mad Dog and Jenna rate the remaining.

Postby Mad Dog » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:40:39 pm

Oops. I didn't rate this seasons biggest goddess, Jenna. We didn't meet in the game, but I can tell you were a fierce goddess and had impeccable taste in allies. You were too threatening to stay, so you were an early target. Your love thread speaks volumes.

Now I feel jipped. Where was my love thread, nuMadhesi?
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Re: Mad Dog and Jenna rate the remaining.

Postby Jenna » Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:44:35 pm

Let's make one in the Loser's Lodge! I'll be right on it.
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