So based on your time in the game,it's who you want to see go far and who you don't.
- Kimmi (my first ally)
- Debbie (god she cracked me up, her sexual limericks, I love how off putting they are to everyone. Like the thread where she wrote one about her whole tribe and no-one responded. Go debb)
- Jeff (I'm slowly realising he is an alliance whore though)
- Stacey
- Angie (she was really sweet to me, even though voting me out)
- Carter (he was nice at first, a bit on the fence about him)
- Hayden
- Keith, because old Madhesi.
- Tina screwed me, so bai, bitch.
- Artis gave me nothing in the game
- Chris out me up for sacrifice, but I was voted out. How does that even work? Lol he knew I was gone.
- Lisa seems like an arrogant twat
Ad anyone else I didn't meet or they didn't make an impression on me.