Day 32 - Final Tribal Council

Where your fate is decided.

Re: Day 32 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Stacey » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:41:37 pm

Reply by 11:42 if Carter and Angie ARE NOT ugly.
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Re: Day 32 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Tina » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:44:19 pm

Carter wrote:And finally, Tina. Tina, I'm just gonna be honest, the fact that you made it this angers me to no end. The way I see it, you're completely full of shit, you seemed to be completely out of the loop, you were carried to the end on the backs of people who actually played the game for themselves rather than for others, and you flipped at every opportunity you could with no major benefit to yourself. And then you have the nerve to say that I checked out, and that I didn't even bother with my "vaunted social game" while I could. Put yourself in my shoes; I was the obvious threat according to everyone left, I was stuck with a person who had senselessly lied to everyone EXCEPT for Kimmi and Jeff (you), a person who had openly said they want to go to the final 3 with Kimmi (Jeff), and the person who had been declared the biggest threat left in the game by myself and had already said that I'd be voting for (Kimmi). Where the fuck is the window of opportunity to negotiate an alliance when everyone has declared their intention to get me out as early as Hayden's vote, huh? And even if I did "check out" of this game, at least I actually checked into the game to start, which is something that you definitely can not say about yourself. My only opportunity to succeed was with those challenges, don't pretend like you don't know that, even though you BSed your way through the game while pretending to not know anything. I have no question for you, I will not be voting for you, and frankly, I don't want to read through another one of your stupid essays that do not pertain to anything of the topic at hand.

Carter, I do understand you are angry and I expected it as much. But that does not detract from what I have said being correct. I made moves. Lots of them. They may not have made sense to you, because theyu were not intended to serve your best interests. They were designed to serve mine. By taking Denise out and Richard out it meant that the only way you could progress was through and with me, especially at that time, because Angie and Chris were steaming at each other. These were not moves designed to help your game, they were designed to help mine, because if you needed me to survive in the game, then you were that much less likely to want to try and target me.

If I were out of the loop , how would I have been able to have a 100% correct voting record post merge? Sometimes appearing to not be in the know you get a lot more info than if you do big note yourself, but the fact remains, only 1 person had their finger on the pulse 100% of the time, and knew where everyone stood come vote time, and what votes were going where. The only time I was caught short was at the Hayden vote, when there was an extra vote for Hayden, courtesy of Richard.

I checked into this game and I played this game hard. And often appearing not to do much but working hard at it, you woiuld be surprised how effective this can be as a tactic. But if someone is always out of the loop and never had checked in, in the first place, there is no way that thwy could be the ONLY person always in the know, and the ONLY person making moves that benefitted me. Of course I am not going to bellow from the rooftops during the game what I am up to, but my strategy was very clear. My social game was there to get the information I needed and it was there to be able to rebuild bridges after I had gone the other way. Again I will refer you back to in the aftermath of Denise being voted out. I left the breadcrumbs there deliberately, so that I did have something to reference back to after I knew I was going to take out one of your allies - not one of mone, because had Chris and I stayed tight with Denise, Angie, yourself & possibly Richard served me no good whatsoever. Doing that, I could not get a proper read on Richard, Denise was infinitely tighter with Angie and yourself, so I would have been squeezed out around F5/6 had I stayed with that group. I made moves that benefitted me. Somone times mutual interests saw them in line with other peoples, but make no mistake, I was playing for me. And that is why I played the centre, and straddled everywhere, ahad a finger in every pie as it were.

Oh, and yes, I had lied plenty to Kimmi and Jeff. I had lied to them about voting with them at the Hayden vote, and again at the Debb vote, for instance. That is just 2 examples. It wasn't senseless. It was to make sure the votes went as people said they were going or as I wanted them to vote. You made an accusation of me once during the game, that I had a tendancy to micromanage. It wasnt always this, it was always about havng the right information, getitng it, and knowing what to do with it. You don't get 100% records by being lucky. It is done by knowing what is happening and having a finger on the pulse.

As foir thge F4, Carter, you did disappoint me. You had said some harsh things about me, not just at TC's but at the end saying you were so pissed about the lying. Guess what? It's called Survivor. People lie. Yes, I told my share, and then some, but it got me here and with the case I can point at and say that I had without doubt the biggest impact on this game. I told little white lies and some whoppers. But here is the thing. So did you. And if I had've ended up goping up against you at the end. it would have been tough, but I still would have clawed for every vote, because I played a game noone else did. I made things happen. And apart from Chris and I at F9, noone else bothered to do so again apart from me.

So, you wanted to rely on the challenge at the wend in order to make it. So be it. But you know what? Two daya is a long time. And if I was supposedly so easily swayed and could be coerced as you allege, rather than being in control, then why not try another tactic? The game is outwit, outplay outlast. It is not outchallenge. Outplay does not merely refer to challenges, but all aspects of game play. So trying something. I got through, managed to annoy, managed to make moves that benefitted me and if I was so much of a loose cannon that it worried you why not go to someone.. say at F6... and say, you know what? I cant rely on Tina. The bitch has stabbed you in the back, she has stabbed me in the back. Let's get her out. No. Why not? Because you needed me in order for you to progress in the game. And who put themselves in that position? I had.

Thinking you can only get to the end by virtue of immunities, that is not a strategy. For someone capable of so much more, that is a sad footnote,

Chris Daugherty in Vanuatu, despite the womens's alliance deciding not to take him out at F7 did not just sit and say, I can only win immunities to get to the end. He worked something with Scout and Twila. When he didnt have immunity again at F5, again he was not targeted because he played both sides, Twila & Scout v Eliza & Julie. That is an example of what I am talking about. Sadly you put yourself in a mindset that only imunities can get you ovr the line. I came into this game without any dependance on immunities and never once banked on getting one because the fastest and most obvious way you can put a target on yourself is winning immunities. There is always a way.

So although you say I will not be getitng your vote tonight, and that is your prerogative. Yes, I understand you are not happy with me. Fine. I would prefer that you can leave the bitterness behind and once the game is over let bygones be bygones. if you don't want to give it to me, know the reaosn for that is because you are bitter and hurt and not because you will be awarding the best player seated here at the final.

I am sorry I hurt you, but I am not regret the game I played, the decisions I made and what I had to do to get here. Because it worked and I got here doing things that everyone else seemingly insisted on sitting back and letting things happen rather than making things happen.
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Re: Day 32 - Final Tribal Council

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Dec 21, 2014 10:56:16 pm

I would also like to remind Kimmi, Tina and Jeff to please vote for which of the other two finalists you would like to win the game in the event of a tie. Thank you!
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