Episode 16

Episode 16

Postby Marissa Peterson » Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:25:41 am

Congratulations on making Final 4. Not much left to play in this game but all your hard work could be lost with one poor decision at this point. Here's looking at Woo. icon_ha

Anyways, how do you feel about your chances of winning the game? How do you think the Jury sees you at this moment?
What is the best course of action for you to reach the Final Tribal Council and potientially win?
What is your opinon on the games of your fellow finalists?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:33:17 pm

I may be delusional but I think I have a decent shot to win.

What are there, 4 combinations left? If I were to put 100 chips down on each possible finale matchup, this is how I would spread them out:

Carter, Jeff, Tina : 70, 20, 10
Carter, Jeff, Kimmi : 70, 20, 10
Jeff, Kimmi, Tina : 50, 40, 10
Carter, Kimmi, Tina : 70, 20, 10

I don't know if this is how you do it but Carter averages at about a 52% chance to win, me at 22%, Kimmi at 18% and Tina at 8%. Sounds about right to me.

I think I can beat Carter if he butchers FTC and I do great in it. I think I am the favorite to win among the other 2, but only over Kimmi by a slim margin. I think Kimmi's threat level is the product of a hype machine specifically started by Stacey saying she loves her and hated everyone else so they always saw Kimmi with 1 vote (as Carter has said).

I don't know if any minds are made up but if they go in open-minded, I think I can convince a few people because I truly believe I should win. I think my resume is more impressive than Carter's (I am not particularly a fan of requiring immunity), but I think people love him because he was generally a nice guy who became an underdog and ran the table to the end. I don't believe he was really working any big moves or anything beside that one BIG MOVE!!!! to save Chris which ultimately did nothing but provide our side with another option to boot out in the event he won immunity (which he did) and made it so Debb could go home without needing to betray her.

How does the jury see you at the moment?

I don't know. It's incredibly hard for me to gauge myself in the perception of others.

Stacey probably sees me as the person who went against her alliance. She's only seen tribal councils since where her alliance/tribe went out nearly one-by-one. She probably favors Kimmi which doesn't make much sense to me because Kimmi lied to Stacey that entire time post-merge about being with her/ the Rai alliance and never intended to vote with them and instead wanted to vote her out the entire time. That is something I would appreciate because I did the same to the Rai alliance. I think she will vote Kimmi. She hates Carter/Tina (so I hear) so maybe she will vote for me if it is the 3 of us in the finals.

Ramona probably sees me as the cocky little arrogant snake as she called me way back when she was still in the game. I told her not to vote for me because I wasn't concerned with jury votes at that point. I genuinely didn't think I would make it to the end at that point and now that I can see the finish line, I am still not particularly bothered by that move because it worked out for me quite well. I needed another Rai to go and she made it easy for me by trying to get me out so that was a very convenient excuse for me to vote against Hayden/Rich and keep them by my side. I think I should assume I will not get her vote and be pleasantly surprised if she gets it.

Hayden, I'm not sure how he sees me. I was pretty straight up with him the entire time and hopefully Rich owns up to voting him out but I doubt he will do that. Maybe Debb could set the record straight. If Hayden thinks I voted for him to go home (which he won't after he reads my final plea because I will probably mention that swing and miss at least once), he might not be too thrilled with me. But when he finds out I didn't vote for him to go and was instead planning to go far in the game with him, he might be happy that I am in the end along with 3 people who voted him out. He seems like the type that would award the immunity win driven underdog story though. Me over Kimmi/Tina though? I think so.

Denise is a tricky one as well. Denise is awesome but she probably sees me as someone who was always bull-headed in my pursuits in this game despite giving her a very legitimate gameplan back in nuKirati based on an idol bluff that was foolproof because I had the idol. I believe she appreciated it. The merge came and she went back to the other side but "kept up" with me, until I made a swing at the other alliance and missed, and was acting like I was down in the dumps. I think she took this as a "table turned" moment and was being very unlike Denise in a sort of condescending way which was strange, but she probably was feeling good because she got Rich to flip (good move, btw) and thought she was running shit. She then immediately went home. I'm not sure how to gauge her vote because I think she likes me but will she give Carter the win? not sure. Me over Kimmi/Tina? I think so.

Rich probably sees me as someone similar to him - an opportunist. I think Rich will appreciate my approach to the game because I believe it is the same type of approach he had to his game, which was to go to whichever side was more appealing at the time and abandon ship, then hope to survive after that ship has sank. I think he will also appreciate that I found the idol from right out from under his nose and kept it under complete wraps until the F6. I'm a little nervous he will prefer Tina based on his jury statements but I think Rich is a vote I could possibly sway, no matter who is with me.

Angie is a tough one because she will undoubtedly vote Carter because she and Carter were a pair through the entire game. If Carter is not there, I don't know if she would vote for me or for Tina because I know Tina was close with her but apparently Tina lied to her a lot and I didn't, so I don't know. I think she is someone who respects the game enough to at least consider voting for me, but if Carter is there I don't think I have her vote.

Debb I think will vote for me. I'm pretty sure she will vote for me no matter who is there with me. I think me > Tina > Kimmi > Carter in terms of her vote.

Chris, I don't think I will have his vote at all. I think he was so out of touch in the game that he probably has absolutely no idea what I've been doing, despite being in the game the entire time. He probably wants Carter to win and will hype up Tina's game in the jury. I think he will vote for Carter and if Carter is not there, Tina, maybe Tina overall.

Last jurors, each one I guess

Carter, I think I could sway him but I think his vote is tentatively on Kimmi. I think he bought the hype machine hard and respects that he tried to get her out at various times in the game and never could. He thinks she was running the game but I think I can convince him otherwise. I think his vote is penciled in at Kimmi but could be for me.

Kimmi, I think votes for me no matter the outcome, despite our deal. I think.

Tina, I think votes for me no matter the outcome because I think she is the type that likes being respected and people being polite with her and all of that stuff. And I feel like I did that for most of the game with her if not all. I think I would get her vote.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:39:35 pm

Damn, I feel like I wrote a shitload there. How long are final pleas usually? That long? longer? shorter? I feel like mine could get pretty long...
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:20:34 pm

this is fucking annoying. if they have decided on the winner, why are we wasting everyone's time?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Marissa Peterson » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:36:35 pm

Stay strong Jeff. Nothing is done until they vote. Just put your best foot forward jeffy.boo.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:43:30 pm

Sunday can't come soon enough and not in an excited way.

I'm sure you hosts feel the same way (but not for the same reasons, of course), seems like this season wasn't what you were hoping for.

I wanted to have fun, this shit just isn't fun anymore. At the point I thought I could legitimately make the end and win, I started playing to win and it stopped being fun. It kind of sucks how the two are mutually exclusive, I wouldn't have guessed that based on all of my time watching on TV.

I don't even really mind if I am coming off as a giant whiner. I know, I know. I deserved this, I reap what I sow, etc. It'd be one thing if they all hated me but I don't think they do. I just think they think Kimmi has been running the show when she most definitely has not. It's the Jeff show featuring Kimmi, not the Kimmi show featuring Jeff. That they have their minds made up already just pisses me off, that they won't even hear me out.

There's a part of me that thinks they understand and are planning to vote for me but then there's a much larger part of me that is telling me I'm wasting my time. I'm going to play this out because I'm a huge survivor fan and the finale will probably be a great experience and I plan to have fun with it, no matter the outcome. But right now and for the last, like, week, it just hasn't been fun.

I don't know if I have just become so exhausted with the game or stressed with the game + real life that small things are overwhelming me to the point where I am legitimately pissed off but I don't really like it. I just want to have fun, man, why is that so hard?

I am probably coming off as miserable and that is probably pathetic of me because this is of course just a game on the internet. but fuck if I haven't tried my ass off and put in an incredible amount of time and effort into it.

I really had loads of fun up until about a week ago when I just feel like I'm wasting my time, going through the motions until Carter or Kimmi was crowned the winner. It's just annoying and frustrating.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:45:20 pm

Marissa Peterson wrote:Stay strong Jeff. Nothing is done until they vote. Just put your best foot forward jeffy.boo.

yeah, as always I'll probably feel a lot better tomorrow. Thanks though icon_wub
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Thu Dec 18, 2014 9:57:22 pm

I know you guys have said time and time again, you can't just expect the jury to understand your game and you can't expect to fall for a scooby-doo reveal at the end.

But what am I supposed to do? Where is the line between giving my entire gameplan out to the jury and not being a threat in terms of possibly being voted out. It's a fine line and apparently Kimmi did it much better than I did.

I really would prefer the jury just hate me so much that they won't vote for me. Like I'd prefer that to them telling me Kimmi deserves it over me. I don't get why she's gotten such hype this whole time.

If she wins, whatever, she's been my best ally in this entire game, I would have planned on voting for her because I know her game pretty well I think, and it's impressive but not as impressive as mine, I don't think.

I mean, I have successfully made it through this entire game without receiving one single vote cast against me, despite flip flopping side to side. You'd think people would try to take a shot at me but never once did anyone write my name down.

Whatever. I made it to the end. I'm grateful to be here. If I get 3rd place, that is still better than 21st-4th place. I know in my mind I played a good fucking game, I don't need that validation, even if it is the entire point of this game.

If I end up winning I'll feel like an even bigger loser than I do complaining right now for complaining like this, but whatever, I just need to vent about it. That's what confessionals are for, right?
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Thu Dec 18, 2014 11:59:05 pm

I just went through and re-read each of my confessionals by episode.

It's funny, scary and also sad to see the change in me over the past couple of episodes. I went from the guy who was having fun and laughing at everything, and expecting to get blindsided, waiting to get blindsided and waiting to love it <3 to the guy who is not having fun, who is a little bit arrogant (whether or not that is misplaced, I'm not sure yet. I'll find out Sunday), and who strangely overreacts to everything and feels entitled to be heard and given a chance. I've really lost it in these past couple of episodes, lol.

It's like I was the Rob Cesternino in Amazon for the first portion of the game and now toward the end of it, I'm the Rob Cesternino in All-Stars in terms of attitude. "Just happy to be here, loving every moment, having loads of fun" to "drinking my own kool-aid, thinking I'm hot shit", that's a lousy character development to have.

I need to revert back to my fun-loving self from the beginning of the game. If I take it seriously and I lose, I'll look like a giant loser. If I take it seriously but have fun with it, and lose, ah then I had fun. If I take it seriously and win, congratulations ya loser, you won. If I take it seriously but have fun with it and win then WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

I just need to get that back. Having fun needs to be priority #1 for me.

I'm a little embarrassed tbh.
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Fri Dec 19, 2014 11:16:34 pm

How long are the opening speeches usually in terms of word count? Would really appreciate an answer, I'm afraid mine is going to end up being too long..
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff Probst » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:35:37 am

Jeff wrote:How long are the opening speeches usually in terms of word count? Would really appreciate an answer, I'm afraid mine is going to end up being too long..

That looks about right. :)
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:47:41 pm

I'm confused and probably missing a joke, but the draft I wrote up last night is at about 1400 words. I'm not sure if you could see me posting it and that is the right length for it or my 30-word question there is about right but I'm going to assume my 1400 word one looks right and hope for the best...
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Re: Episode 16

Postby Jeff » Sat Dec 20, 2014 1:59:36 pm

Jeff wrote:I'm confused and probably missing a joke, but the draft I wrote up last night is at about 1400 words. I'm not sure if you could see me previewing it and that is the right length for it or my 30-word question there is about right but I'm going to assume my 1400 word one looks right and hope for the best...
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