Episode 09

Re: Episode 09

Postby Jeff » Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:20:44 pm

So I am hearing that Ramona has tried to throw me under the bus - fun.

I am definitely riding the Ramona to go home train now. Only problem is that I need to make sure Chris and them think that what Ramona was saying was a lie (which it absolutely wasn't) and I need Hayden and Rich to stay close to me even when knocking out another ally, so that we together can start swinging at the other side.

I think I can do it. I think it's definitely possible.

And if shit hits the fan and I hear my name being thrown around, I have an idol, so..
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Thakali Tribe
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Re: Episode 09

Postby Jeff » Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:30:26 pm

Internet is being complete shit tonight. It takes like 10 minutes for the page load if it even loads at all. Every few minutes it works so I get to catch up but I'd literally cry if I got a hint I was going in TC and didn't get to play my idol because of my internet. literally mad af.
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Thakali Tribe
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