Fallen Comrades that I actually talked to in the game:
Papa Bear: Big Poppa, my man. You were a little too erratic for my liking and I think everything turned out alright for me. I do want to take this spot to apologize to you for something, though. Once you were out of the game, you became quite an easy ice-breaker in conversations with other people in the game, making fun at your expense. I know I wouldn't have been cool with it if I had been the one being made fun of and not able to defend myself. I hope you understand that it was part of the game and that I think that you are probably a cool guy in real life. A benefit to being out so early is that you got to give your full attention to talking to or spending time with your family and daughters during Thanksgiving and this upcoming Christmas without being preoccupied with this game at all. I wish you the best in your recovery and I hope that you and your family have a very great holiday season. All the best, bud.
Mad Dog: ahhhhh, Mad Dog, they did you dirty! I was extremely nervous for the long-term existence of our Team Supreme when we got separated at the tribe swap. When you were voted out and Lisa was telling me to vote Keith, I got very nervous for my own safety in this game and Debb and I were feeling pretty bad about the future of our games. I do want to mention though that I did miss talking to you about each Amazing Race episode like we used to do back in the Madhesi camp. I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the finale because I know you probably have a lot to say about it, as do I. Hope all is well.
Lisa: ooooooh Lisa. Lisa, I do want you to know that I really did plan to work with you post-swap until I smartened up and realized aligning myself would've been the equivalent of holding your hand as you lead me into the slaughterhouse. I truly believe you were one of the biggest players in this game and probably one of the best. I think you would have made it quite far if you had made it to the merge and that is why you had to go when you went home. I just hope you know that losing that challenge had absolutely nothing to do with you going home, it was all because we agreed we just couldn't let you make it any further in the game - like Aaron in China. Please take it as a huge compliment. I did quite like you as a person and that is another reason why you were such a big threat, as well as your competence in challenges. I hope you had a good birthday week and I hope you get another shot at this game, I am sure you will do very well in your second try without me getting in your way.
Keith: Keith, my man, I hardly knew ya. I hope all went well at your workplace and that you got things figured out. I was ready to rely on you post-swap along with Debb to make sure the three of us made it to the merge together but you decided to go missing which was unfortunate. You very nearly made the merge doing absolutely nothing which is impressive. All the best, my friend.
Stacey: I don't have a whole lot to say to or about you, Stacey, considering we never really spoke. You made the first vote post-merge incredibly easy for me so thanks for making yourself into such a big target that I could worry about planning to make it further in the game rather than worrying about going out that night. #thanks
Ramona: Ramona, oooooh Ramona. I did actually quite enjoy talking to you in our time at nuKirati and the first bit of the merge. Getting into that little fight with you is my biggest regret in this game. I took it personally so I gave it back to you and I still regret that. I apologized to you and you to me but I just wanted to once again apologize because that was totally uncalled for. You were otherwise super pleasant to talk to when we did actually talk. I hope your final exams went well and I hope you enjoy your winter break from school. All the best ^^
Hayden: HayTrain! Man, I'm still a bit peeved that my plan didn't work that night and that you went home. I understand why they voted for you, everyone loved you but I really wish they had chosen someone else to take out. I really struggled that night honestly and you'll see it in my confessionals and in my PMs if you can see them. I didn't want you to go, my man, I had you in my plans moving forward in the game. You're an awesome guy and I hope you didn't get too down on yourself after going home - I guess things like that just happen in the game. Looking forward to hearing from you again, my friend.
Denise: helloooooooo Denise! I don't really know what happened between us but it got like super awkward after Hayden went home. I was hearing a lot of things from people telling me you were lying to me and you were being kind of shitty to me and I didn't really like it. That in addition to you telling me you were getting ready to make a move and bringing Rich over to your side, you were quickly becoming a power player in this game (regardless of what was said in that weird challenge poll). Just like Lisa, leaving you in the game any longer would have been a mistake. Before that though, you were awesome. I very much enjoyed talking to you about anything and everything we talked about but most importantly our Survivor Steakhouse. I hope you have the floorplans ready for me when we get outta here so we can get to work on acquiring that Elvis hologram and making our place legit. I really hope you aren't mad at me because I really think you were an awesome person and I look forward to speaking to you again.
Rich: big Rich! I feel like I'm going to be repeating myself a little bit here compared to what I said to Denise but I don't really understand what happened between us. One minute we were lining our cannons up to take a shot at Angie and the Kirati alliance to move ourselves forward in the game, next minute you're lying to me after I'm hearing from several people what happened in that Hayden vote. I totally trusted you and thought you me and Debb were alone in this game until I started hearing from everyone that it was instead you who flipped on Hayden, and to make matters worse you kept lying to me about it. We just were never able to repair that, I guess. You were a very savvy and very opportunistic player like myself and that is why you were such a big threat to me in this game. You're a super smart guy and your wildcard status in the game made you critical to switch the vote to get you out, so I had to do that. I think you were very underrated in this game. Hope all is well, my man.
Angie: my dream Angie <3. hi. You already know most of what I'm going to say here. You know I thought very highly of you as a person and as a player. You were a huge social threat and that was dangerous to me because I wanted to be the biggest social player in the game. People loved you and were hesitant to get rid of you (myself included) and that very reason is why you were so dangerous. You were an awesome person though and I always enjoyed when we talked. And of course as you know, the real stuff was separate from the game as noted by the change in font color and I appreciated being able to separate from the game for a little bit every few days. I hope all is well with you and I look forward to hearing from you again.
Debb: ahhhhhh Debb. That idol roulette really kind of sucked but I don't think there was a way I could've saved the both of us and I couldn't risk going out of the game at that point. You were consistently an awesome ally to me in the game all the way through Madhesi, through nuKirati and through the merge. I think you were playing a very similar game to me which made it pretty easy for us to work together. You were much more than just a "weird poem" person though, you were very good at this game and I think your game was very underrated. Though I am hoping to hear a few more "Debb poems" before our time on here is up.
Chris: ?????????????? I'm not really sure what to say to you, Chris. You seemed like you never really wanted to give me the time of day which made it kind of easy to want to get you out of the game. We never really talked outside of ????????????s. I don't think you ever really took me seriously in this game so, don't really have much to say to you outside of ???????????????????????????
Carter: Carter, my man. I always enjoyed our talks about sports and Survivor. It was cool to be able to talk about things other than the game, especially when things weren't looking too great for me and then when things weren't looking too great for you. You were an awesome dude and a super strong competitor in this game. I never should have let you get as far as you did, that was an unnecessary risk I took because I thought I could work with you more than any other Kirati and we were able to a few times but things just never really worked out, specifically because your #1 target was always my #1 ally. I appreciate you being there to listen to me vent when I'd get pissed off toward the end of the game and I appreciated you telling me I was still in the game which only made it sting more when you wanted to award Kimmi the victory when you were headed out the door. Outside of that, you were a cool dude and always good to talk to. All the best.