Never had a chance to talk to any of you, so I have no idea what to say here.
Probably one of the more delusional players I've had the displeasure of interacting with. You have no idea how awkward it was with you having the power to send any of us off to another tribe at a whim and most of us wanting to vote you out after like the second day. Still, I'm grateful for all the "connections" you made, since it gave me a great ice breaker with all the other people you made a billion alliances with. So thanks for that
I'm sad that Mad Dog and Mad Pup never really got to be much of a thing. Losing you was tragic.
I hope my ID guess for you is right. You were clearly a good player and from what few conversations we had you were also fun to talk to. I can't say I'm sorry you didn't make the merge though. You probably would have mixed things up a lot more and I probably wouldn't be here now.
Oh, Artis. It was unfortunate what happened to you. But looking back it was probably for the best. Stacey thinking I was solidly with her was pretty good for my game. I enjoyed our Survivor talks. When we were chatting I realized how smart and observant you were so that's probably also a good reason for you to have left.
Keith You were soooo quiet. Like, unbearably so. But you were nice. And I'll never forget your calling out of Papa Bear at tribal. It was kind of funny since the rest of us had been on that train for days and you were just kind of realizing who he was.
You know, I still don't really get the "fat" thing. But I'm glad you don't think of me as "fat", lol. You were definitely a character, so say the least.
I think in a different situation we could have been good friends and allies. We never really did get to talk a whole lot though so you're one of the biggest wild cards in terms of the final vote right now, at least in my eyes.
I'll admit, part of me kind of regrets not playing my idol on you the round you left. But then I'm here now, so I guess I didn't need to. Doing that probably would have put a bigger target on my back anyway. I have to say I also didn't really know if you'd go along with the whole "flip to vote Angie" plan. I mean, I knew you didn't have too many options, but I thought we were pretty obvious about what we were doing so I thought you'd see through it like Rich did.
I think you'd have been a big threat to win this if you'd continued. Like, bigger than the rest of us that were deemed threats as the game went on. You had a great under dog thing going on. Sorry for the sort of-blindside
Oh, Rich. You were hard to get to know since you'd ignore a lot of my messages. And I never could really figure out where your head was at. I know you got labeled as the "most goat like" of the 7 of us left at the end there, but like I said in game, I don't think you were really that much of a goat. You were making the best of a tough situation, and while I think it was kind of dumb for you to target Hayden, your one true ally left in the game, you were trying to Survive and then you tried to make your own moves happen so I can respect all that.
You were easily one of my favorite people in this game, hands down. I don't think I've ever enjoyed actively targeting and still being friends with a person more, and being "frenemies" with a person in game tends to happen to me a lot, I find. Every part of me wanted to be able to work with you, but I knew it wasn't going to happen. And I think you knew it too.
You were one of the most vile and disgusting people I've ever encountered in an org And I simultaneously love and hate you for it.
For the longest time I couldn't really get a read on you. I thought you'd make for a good final 3 partner for a little while, and made plans to try to work things that way, but then you started playing a lot harder and I think you might have been able to win this at the end. I was still kind of willing to try it, but then you sold out my "throw Jeff under the bus" idea and it became pretty obvious that wasn't happening. Oh well.
Hey, mang. You were great in this and it was fun playing with you. I seriously still feel dirty about voting you out when you couldn't participate in immunity. I sincerely hope that everything's ok with your friend. I've known someone who's committed suicide and it messes you up so much. I hope you don't have to go through that.
My partners in crime. Team Supreme to the end. I hope we did you proud, Mad Dog. I hope you guys don't take some of the things I might say about you at tribal to heart, because I really don't mean any of it personally, but I'm planning on going into this guns blazing and I want to win more than anything so I'm not holding back. Your games will probably get trashed a bit. But I'm kind of expecting the same from you so I'm sure I won't feel too bad about it.