Cast Reveal

Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Caryn » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:09:19 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:
Caryn wrote:Rude D from ORGY, I recognize you.

And speaking of ORGY, I'm only inviting a select few of you there, the ones I see potential in.

RGF is where it's at... CARYNNNNN

It doesn't hurt to join both.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:09:58 pm

Oh, boy, I'm next. I'd better brace myself
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Angie » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:10:07 pm

Carter icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub icon_wub
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:10:53 pm

Even being rated quite high, I still believe Carter is underrated
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Stacey » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:11:21 pm

Where is ~Caryn~ and her cheap ass extensions to come "dig into me"??
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:11:40 pm

I'm gonna have to go RES tag all you Reddit people so I recognize you around the subs
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Debb » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:12:15 pm

carter, i bleed green and gold. wisconsin all the way.

i tried to hide my affiliation so no one would figure out who i was. looks like i needn't have bothered since i dont know anyone anyway.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:12:25 pm

3rd Place - Second Runner Up
-Chastity Club President-

Played by: Gerbil_George (RealityGameForums)

Jeff wrote:From Day 1 in this season, you were a frontrunner to win the whole thing. If you had asked me 3 days ago, I would have said Kimmi is our obvious winner and everyone else is stupid for allowing her to end up in the finals. You were a social queen, getting on everyone's good side and really taking the time to talk to everyone leaving your options open. Your problem came when you rested on that. Just being seen as social and likable isn't enough. I hope that is a valuable lesson you take with you. Had you just been able to say you were responsible for a handful of moves in this game then you would have this on lock, but you just can't rest on likable. That said, you were a start in this obviously. You had a lot of fans, you played amazingly well and I enjoyed having you here. Thanks for playing and I hope you had a good time!

Marissa wrote:Kimmi. I was soooo rooting for you from the get go. I really wanted you to do well. And although I think you did well enough to earn 2nd place (which you were robbed of), you never quite did enough to get that win. The issue being, is you never really made any moves that benefited your game more then any other (like Jeff) or were unsuccessful in pulling off the ones you wanted to make (like when you attempted to target Jeff at Final 5). I think if you would have made that move you would have did enough to solidify yourself as the win (well that and performed a little better at FTC). Other then that, you played a really strong safe game. Now a safe game, although may not be the most exciting, isn't a bad thing at all. I just think you didn't do enough to qualify yourself as the deserving winner of Stranded Nepal. The weird thing was, you were always targeted by Angie & Carter as the biggest threat for whatever the fuck Stacey said. I will say socially you were on point. I think you got along with everyone enough so even if they were targeting you enough people liked you so you wouldn't be in trouble. You played quite the strong game.

Cochran wrote:Honestly, you had this game all but won, and then FTC rolled around and.. you kind of didn't perform? I don't know. You talked your game out well, but it just didn't smell WINNER to me the way Jeff did. You are defintiely a great player, and I feel like if you hit the end with anyone BESIDES Jeff out of the f4 you would have had a good shot. It's just that, your games were so similar, and he really did a lot more of the Strategizing while you did the social graces. I'm not saying he didn't socialize, but you even said that your social game was your strong point, which is definitely true. You were really great to watch, and were a HUGE part of this season, and I think you know that. You are a deservign winner, but Jeff just deserved it a tiny bit more. Well play anyways bud.

Ashley wrote:I LOVED you pre-merge, you were really dynamic and fun to watch, and your relationship in the majority on Madhesi was good to see. When you swapped you quitened down a lot a lot a lot and it was good for you evidently but it had me losing interest a little? I was happy to see you succeed each round though, good job on making it this far!

Holly wrote:I thought you were amazing. You should be proud to have made the finals even if you don't win so hold your head up high.

Yul wrote:You did a great job in the social game. Everyone loved you to the point that you were actually starting to take a lot of the credit for the entire Madhesi alliance (dunno if that was intentional). I think you really showed why the social game is so important, because it can translate into actual votes, regardless of strategical play. (With that said, your strategy game wasn't shabby, but your social game and ability to make enemies into friends is what you made you stand out). I'd have been happy to see you win.

Caryn wrote:OK, not gonna lie, you sorta bombed the FTC, but I still believe you deserve second over Tina. Your social game was on point, and was the main reason everyone saw you as the biggest threat. And as much as I love Jeff, seeing you take him out at the F5 would've been epic but of course fucking Chris had to sell you out. And I am genuinely impressed you managed to survive to the F3 despite having been a main target almost every round.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Lisa » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:12:38 pm

GGee, I wonder who Kimmi is.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Chad » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:13:31 pm

Lisa. You LIED. alol.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Lisa » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:13:37 pm

Actually though Kimmi, we can just have our own little all-stars where it's just us two and we both win. how does that sound?
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:15:06 pm

Lisa wrote:Actually though Kimmi, we can just have our own little all-stars where it's just us two and we both win. how does that sound?

Sounds good to me
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Tina » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:15:47 pm

Nice game, GG <3
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:15:53 pm

2nd Place - First Runner Up
-Biggest Tease-

Played by: Green Monster (RealityGameForums)

Jeff wrote:So... you're going to read a lot of things that are probably pretty negative and horrible and I want you to take them in perspective on frustration and nothing more. Understand that you were probably the biggest decision maker this season. You managed to position yourself as the swing vote for pretty much the entire game. That's the thing you should be proud of. You definitely made this season what it is. Unfortunately, that's also the thing that you should probably not be so proud of. I think at every single opportunity you would tease the other alliance into thinking you were flipping only to not flip at all. On one hand, I think that's frickin genius... IF you were the leader of your alliance. The problem with your strategy was that you were effectively giving the leaders of your alliance a free pass to the finals. Instead, you had so many opportunities to flip the game around and really control everything, but you chose not to. I think you overestimated how others in the game perceived you. Ultimately you did craft this season... but unfortunately for everyone involved you crafted it into the most boring pagonging possible. I mean HOW does a 4 v 4 v 4 merger turn into a pagonging. I don't know how but you managed to do just that so kudos. I think you were overly arrogant for a game that was not too great. I mean it was impressive how much control you had, but it was also unimpressive what you decided to do with that control. I really wanted to say at the end of this that you were the mastermind and you perfectly orchestrated everything, and in some sense you were, but you orchestrated it in the worst way possible and your game suffered for it. What's worse is that i think the entire season's entertainment value suffered for it. But I won't beat up on you any longer. I would say this, if you can figure out a way to orchestrate the game and be the swing vote constantly and still manage to make yourself appear threatening, you would have this in the bag. Not only that, but you would be one of the greatest players/characters of all time. You're already halfway there :)

Marissa wrote:Oh boy. Chaos Tina.Ok so I'm going to try not to be too harsh with you. But here's the deal. I can't believe you got 2nd with complete and utter bull shit. For the game I watched you play it doesn't seem warranted. Coming from someone who can get quite delusional, you were probably the most delusional player of the game. You claimed to be making moves when in reality you just latching onto ideas that benefited other people more then they did yourself. As a game player you were a complete mess and playing to survive instead of playing to win. Yes you got to the end but in the process you did it by sabotaging your own game. Now from a host stand point, YOU WERE SO COMPLETELY ENTERTAINING. You shut down big plays (pre-Madhesi turning on Kirati). You flipped soo randomly to the point I never knew what the fuck you were going to do. You gave zero shits about anyone else. Honestly you were a twist within it self, how can you handle Tina. I hate to say it but alot of people have grown to dislike you for the fact that you did more to screw everyone else's game as well as yourself. Without a doubt though, the most interesting character post Stacey merge boot. So without further ado you win the Marissy for Biggest Villian of the Season.

Ashley wrote:replacement goddess icon_wub I was initially so taken with you, you were really rootable and I wanted to see you succeed, but as the season developed you became this... I don't know kind of villain? You flipped a lot and caused a lot of moves to fail for other people, and that's a credit to you but damn was it hard to watch!

Cochran wrote:You know what, I sympathise a LOT with you as far as how you are being treated. I don't think that you deserve half the shit you are getting for how you played. And honestly, there are parts of the board you should probably steer clear of when this thing is over. You were all over the place as far as talking to everyone goes, and you really did have a lot of decision making to do in the game... but all the decisions you made seemed to make everyone so fucking mad, and people just didn't get it. Which I mean you could argue that you WERE making decisions, bt the people you are in the end against? They both made just as many decisions as you did, and made better ones at that. I know a lot of lurkers weren't your biggest fan, but somewhere mid game your head got HUGE and I thought it was really entertaining to read your confessionals on how you were just killing the game and all of that junk, when you weren't really the huge power player you thought you were. I laughed when someone.. can't remember who, said you were riding coattails. You dedfinitely put a mark on the game, but I don't think you deserve to win over the other two.

Holly wrote:I could not keep track of what you were doing, but whatever it was you did it well enough to make it to the end. You did great!
Yul wrote:I loved watching you. I had a few fights with Probst over some of your moves through-out the season. I don't really care what was exciting or blindside-worthy - I just like to see how people react when put in unusual social situations. Your reaction wasn't what most people would do - you made careful calculated moves that would help you in the future regardless of who it effected around you. Mad Dog was the most prominent of those moves, but not the only one. You had a good handle on your situation - way better than I ever had when I was playing. You would have been a great winner.

Caryn wrote:To say that you were #TeaseTina would be an understatement. You would entertain everyone's strategies, pretend to go along with them, and then shut them all down and make sure it was a pagonging. Your confessionals were a delusional mess because you never were the HBIC, you were nowhere near the HBIC, and the fact that you got votes here tonight despite spewing a lot of BS & lies at the FTC is disgusting to me. You lead everyone to believe that you were actually flipping the game with them, only to lie and just vote them out, pissing them all off. Now normally, I would think that is brilliant gameplay, but here's the problem... No one has noticed that you did this, and because you didn't actually make any moves, and you have nothing to show for it but cock teasing the jurors and pissing them off while remaining loyal to the Madhesi that were all outplaying you. You're Albert. You are literally Albert. Remember Albert? The guy that got 0 votes at the FTC in South Pacific? That's you. So if your plan was to ruin the season and simultaneously tank your game along with it, then bravo lady! You did it!
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:17:16 pm

Thanks, hosts, that was a pleasant surprise. I won't lie, I didn't think I was really that big a threat and that it was all hype. Of course, I wasn't going to admit that in game, but I definitely thought it. I wanted to make more moves, and I hate sticking with the obvious votes as much as the next guy. But that whole "threat" label kind of limited my options a bit and forced me to go the more safe route. I tried though. Lordy knows I tried
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Angie » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:17:21 pm

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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Angie » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:18:05 pm

Kimmi wrote:Thanks, hosts, that was a pleasant surprise. I won't lie, I didn't think I was really that big a threat and that it was all hype. Of course, I wasn't going to admit that in game, but I definitely thought it. I wanted to make more moves, and I hate sticking with the obvious votes as much as the next guy. But that whole "threat" label kind of limited my options a bit and forced me to go the more safe route. I tried though. Lordy knows I tried

I really did go into FTC with the intention to vote for you, because I respected the fact that you got there regardless of whether you were the one making huge moves or not. It's just... your FTC answers... were... I'm sorry... :(
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Lisa » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:18:21 pm

Oh wait, aren't you on the dA board too?
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Caryn » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:19:03 pm

lol Green Monster.

It's Shane from Crashcourse here. Now I kinda feel bad for digging into you like that :(
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:19:10 pm

Sorry in advance, this is brutal
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