Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Caryn » Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:24:30 am

That title tho
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Caryn » Thu Nov 20, 2014 11:44:26 pm

Writing something up right now.
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Caryn » Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:03:53 am

Early Day 1 Stand-Outs for me:

Kirati Tribe

Only Day 1 and she's found herself in a good position. Angie/Denise love her, Carter/Artis love her, and it appears those two duos + Lisa are coming together to form a solid majority. Plus she knows of Chris reputation in ORGs (which is NOT good for Chris at all). She just seems like a boss bitch already I think she's going to be one of the shining stars in this game.

Carter really came in here and surprised me. I didn't really think of him that much before but he came in here and seemed REALLY excited to play, almost like this is the actual Survivor. I always love the players who come in here stoked to play and super excited because they're just so naturally likable and fun to watch.

Madhesi Tribe

Papa Bear
In true PB fashion, he comes here and comes up with a well thought out lie of being in a car accident which caused him to be removed from Namibia. And people are buying what he's selling. Even people like Mad Dog who already see him as shady and untrustworthy is having a bit of reserve about voting him out because of his fabricated lie. And I'm SO fucking excited that he's Ambassador, I think he's going to have a lot of fun with that.

Mad Dog
I think she's a little insane, which is great from an entertainment perspective. She is not too fond of Papa Bear right now because he turned down her alliance offer, and she had a little rant in her confessional about him which was extremely OTT.

Rai Tribe

What Richard is doing right now is literally the definition of playing too hard, too fast. Not even 2 hours into the game and he already has plans for a majority alliance and is cooking up some thoughts in his head. One thing I'll give him credit for is that he's a serious gamer, and that is something I greatly appreciate, but my god, he really needs to cool it.

Like I said before, she's extremely observant. She realizes that Richard said the same thing to Sean about forming an alliance that he did to her, and that automatically makes him shady in her eyes. I think she's going to be a very smart game player here.
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Jeff Probst » Fri Nov 21, 2014 12:08:23 am

Yea, I think Carter and Ramona really surprised me. I knew that they had potential but I really thought it would take much longer for them to get their footing, but they really have kind of gone for it and it's worked out so far. I love Artis/Carter's relationship. Also really liking how well Jeff/Tina are doing because I was kind of worried about them being the only brand new players on Madhesi. You wouldn't even know it from Jeff, Tina's probably going to be a bit harder to adjust but i think hse's doing very well so far.
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Caryn » Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:43:34 pm

After each round/episode I'm gonna be doing whole big write-up centering on each tribe, the ambassadors and how they're adapting to the twist, my thoughts on the results of Tribal Council AND my rankings based on who I think is playing the best game.

So my first one will be up tomorrow night sometime after the TC
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Nov 23, 2014 11:23:22 pm

Caryn wrote:After each round/episode I'm gonna be doing whole big write-up centering on each tribe, the ambassadors and how they're adapting to the twist, my thoughts on the results of Tribal Council AND my rankings based on who I think is playing the best game.

So my first one will be up tomorrow night sometime after the TC

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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Caryn » Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:56:00 am

Well since there was no IC tonight I feel like there's no point in rushing this write-up so I'll have ready tomorrow.

Plus, I still don't even know what the episode title is gonna be, I need to go read some confessional quotes.
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Caryn » Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:48:40 pm

Episode 1: "My Wig Is Yours"

The Ambassadors

So I feel like I should start with this because this is where most of the drama came from.

But anyways, Lisa was doing a fine job as an Ambassador, she was talking to everyone and being friendly and just overall covering her bases for a potential swap. That is, until, the Papa Bear controversy came up. I'll admit that Papa Bear's idea to go around the other tribes and form different F2 deals was stupid on his part, but Lisa going around and telling everyone about Papa Bear's sketchiness does not make her look like someone who could be a loyal ally later down the line. I mean, I GET why she told the people on her tribe and I GET why she told at least one person from Madhesi (Jeff) about it, but why in the fuck would you tell the Rai tribe as well? They have no business in this, and now that makes Lisa look like someone who cannot be trusted with valuable information. She's safe for now since she's the HBIC of Kirati but now once a swap comes she could find herself in complete danger.

As for Ramona, she's barely talked to anyone at all, and it doesn't look like she's taking full use of the Ambassador twist, which actually might be a smart move on her part after the whole Lisa/Papa Bear thing.

Kirati Tribe

Like I said, Lisa has found herself in a great position on Kirati, as it seems everyone wants to work with her. Even Artis, who she put up for sacrifice, wants to work with her. She believes that Carter is her little sidekick, however Carter is playing the game as well, having extremely tight bonds with all of Lisa/Artis/Denise. Speaking of Denise, while she isn't in a extremely powerful position, she put herself in a good spot where she won't be going home anytime soon. Angie found herself in an early majority alliance with Carter/Artis/Lisa/Denise.

However, Chris, being the extremely perceptive player that he is, already figured that there was a majority alliance without him in it, and now he's trying to play the UTR game. And it's working for him, as it appeared that Zane would be the first boot for the alliance of 5.

But, what appeared to be an easy set in stone first boot changed yesterday afternoon, after all of the guys in the tribe began to get irritated with Angie and her social play, including the ones in her alliance, Artis & Carter. Even Lisa is considering targeting Angie now. Couple that with the fact that Zane did good in the first immunity challenge, and it looks like Angie might get herself an early exit from the tribe and she doesn't even realize it.

Madhesi Tribe

To nobody's surprise, Papa Bear came out of the gate already lying his ass off about how he was in a car wreck and is now in a wheelchair and had to be removed from his first season of Stranded. In public, Papa Bear was playing the nice guy card extremely well, but behind the scenes he became ruthless. He formed F2 deals with all of Keith/Jeff/Mad Dog, and it looked like Papa Bear would once again rule his tribe with an iron fist.

That is, until Lisa from Kirati came by and told Jeff all about Papa Bear's deals. Jeff quickly realized what Papa Bear is trying to do, and began to shut that shit down. He proceeded to tell Kimmi about Papa Bear's sketchiness as well. They both decided to get in touch with Mad Dog & NuTina (who is quickly making some headway with the tribe after being a replacement) to form a solid alliance between the 4 to make sure Papa Bear does not get the power. And before you could even blink, Jeff/Kimmi quickly took control of the tribe and thus became the game's early power duo.

However, Papa Bear may get a lucky break. The tribe is not very fond of Keith, who has not been very social at all and didn't contribute much to the challenge. And Debb showed up late due to a busy weekend and is already in a shtick that can annoy her tribe very quickly. If Papa Bear can survive a couple votes and make it to a swap, it could be a brand new start for him.

Rai Tribe

Not even 5 minutes into the game and Richard was ready to go. He quickly formed an alliance between himself, Ramona, Sean, and the tribe's returnee, Hayden, who is looking to improve his strategic play this time around.

Stacey has already become the tribe's character, speaking in a lisp tone and being overly excited all the time. BB rarely showed up, which caused the rest of the tribe to make dead jokes about him. And Jenna, well, she was honestly just there. Didn't do too much.

After BB didn't show up to the challenge and the tribe lost, it began to look as if he would become the first boot of the season. But did things change?

Tribal Council: Rai Tribe

Nope. BB was voted out unanimously, and no one cared, cause he's dead remember? However, Jenna said something very interesting that quickly made Ramona spiral into complete Paranoia. More on that in my Episode 2 write-up.

My Rankings:

Kirati Tribe:
7. Angie
6. Zane
5. Chris
4. Denise
3. Artis
2. Lisa
1. Carter

Madhesi Tribe:
7. Keith
6. Debb
5. Papa Bear
4. NuTina
3. Mad Dog
2. Kimmi
1. Jeff

Rai Tribe:
6. Jenna
5. Stacey
4. Sean
3. Ramona
2. Hayden
1. Richard

MVP of the Round goes to: Jeff
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Ralph » Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:28:52 pm

all great Number 1s

jeff is my favorite right now
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Katie Collins » Mon Dec 01, 2014 10:53:24 am

Caryn, that was an amazing blog post. I hope you've got time to do those semi-reg cos it gave me a tonne of insight.
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Re: Caryn's Nocturnal Rainbows

Postby Jenna » Wed Dec 03, 2014 3:30:04 pm

I don't know what I said to make Ramoma paranoid, so I'm eagerly awaiting the next Nocturnal Rainbow (your title inspires me Caryn).
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