by Carter » Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:39:37 pm
So many questions, so little time!
I feel great about making the top 10, I feel like I'm passed the point where I've slipped through the cracks, and to the point where my gameplay has warranted my placement from here on out.
Ramona leaving was very good for my game. She seemed like she was willing to stir the pot any way she could to turn people against one another, and I think the fact that Debb vocalized her desire to get Ramona out, followed by Ramona leaving, made Debb feel very comfortable continuing to work with me, and made her trust me a little more due to the fact that I listened to her, which is the main reason she voted against the Rai's in the first place.
The best move I can make is firming up a final 5 alliance involving the 4 Kirati's and Tina. If the 5 of us get through this next vote, we have nothing else in our path to the end. Once we're there, Tina is an easy boot, and then hopefully I've built enough bridges between Angie, Denise, and Chris where they'd be comfortable taking me to the end if I don't win final immunity.. Of course, I'll have to stay persistent on those relationships, but I think that's really the best move that I can make now for the present and the future.
I think Madhesi was splintered enough to where they might not team up on us yet (knock on wood, so help me gourd), and I feel like people know the inherent risks of letting the last two Rai's get much further in the game knowing how volatile the jury will be with dumb ugly fat Stacey there. I also think Tina is more inclined to work with nuMadhesi than oldMadhesi, so I'm not too concerned at this moment at the original Madhesi staging a coup just yet. However, give it a few hours, and this whole outlook could change, I guess we'll have to see. Plan is stated above, but I'll give you a quick summary: Secure Tina at all costs, wipe out Rai, take out the rest of Madhesi, profit