Easily Lisa wins this for me. She's positioned herself very well on her tribe, used her power to the fullest, and started to sway things against Papa Bear on the other tribe. Honestly this girl is a QUEEN from the word go. Really excitied to watch her story unfold.
This could be a bit over sensionalizing himself but he's defiantly setting himself up well. Right now he's positioning himself to easily make the merge and potientially with some power. Very interested in seeing how his relationship with Lisa develops.
Easily Stacey. She was in a down and out position and truly did everything she could to get a swap to the point Ramona wanted to switch it "to gain favor" with her. Only thing is because of the immunity it ended up fucking Ramona royaly since it forced the four some to vote off one of there own (thank god it was Sean). Granted she switched so they wouldn't get Debb (Who in my opinon is a step up to Artis but we will get more to that later) but still she turned her fortune around and now will survive AT LEAST one more round.
This is a weird weird round for me. Papa Bear pretty much fucked himself by being Papa Bear making it hard for me to award it to anyone on Madhesi. Stacey got in everyone but Lisa's good graces until she switched and went crazy. Jeff got a little parnoid. Lisa faught hard to protect Chris and potientially made people nervous about her and got into a feud with Stacey. Hayden traded up in the world and potientially saved himself from loosing AGAIN by sacrificing. So I really don't know who should be considered the MVP to the round. I should just go and give it to Papa Bear since he defiantly made the round entertaining and caused his own downfall. I'm actually going to give it to Tina though. She's done wonders for her game despite being late. I have a really good feeling about her going foreward and seems to be one of the most level headed contestants right now. Everyone trusts her including people from other tribes. Fucking love her at this point