Tina's Ruthless ReignHi All! I am very pleased to be here and able to talk to you all once more! In fact, despite anticipating that this may be a bumpy night, I am delighted to be in this very spot and explain to you why I should be the person most deserving of your vote and being declared as the winner!
Before anything else though, I'd like to thank Probst and the hosting team for giving me the opportunity to be part of this and for doing a wonderful job with this game, and everyone in the cast for making this game a lot of fun! Thanks to you all!
Anyways, I suppose that I will need to outline my case to you, because some things I did may not be overly obvious and some things will need some explanation. Before I do, I will just state that I had a ball while playing this game, and I am not ashamed of say it, because hey, it worked! While simultaneously getting me to this point right now, I believe it helped spice the game up, in a way that nobody else really seemed prepared to do. And while I can't say I played a perfect game, very little was left to mere chance once I really came into my own, post merge.
I also must admit that I told a whole heap of fibs in this game. Lots. And them some. I told little white lies and great big whoppers. However, that is in the past. Tonight you get the truth. All of it and as ugly as it might be, and I will encourage you if there is anything you want to know, if I don't cover it, please ask and I promise you will get the truth - good or bad, it will be the truth, because that is what you deserve.
Bottom line is, I own what I did in this game. I own the decisions I made and actions I took, in order to make sure I was positioned where I wanted and needed to be. This meant that I was going to step on some toes along the way, but part of making as many moves as I did meant that I could not be always be overly well liked, if I was to have any chance of making the end, which I have. I don't like hurting people, and this is not something I take some kind of perverse pleasure in, however this is a game, and what was said and done in game has to be viewed in the context of this being in a game. Whatever else, this was always first and foremost in my mind - that this was a game.
Of the 3 of us sat before you, it is my contention that I had, by far the biggest impact and influence on this game. Whether you like the way I did things or not, I do not think that this is in any way possible to dispute, and in so doing, aim to prove to you that I deserve and have earned your vote.
So, now that that's out of the way, I guess I should explain what my thoughts were for pretty much the whole game.
I think all of you know by now that I came in as a replacement for the original person that played as Tina, 4/5days after the game began. And this did play a part in my approach. Having missed out on the luxury and all the bonding that took place over that first weekend, meant that I was immediately playing with a 'catch up' mentality, which propelled me to play a lot more pro-actively than what might otherwise have been the case.
Thankfully Madhesi won a string of early immunity challenges, which bought me time and allowed me to bed in, and form connections on that tribe. With Debb initially, and then with Jeff and Kimmi, who came across as very much at the centre of all things Madhesi in those early days. Being invited to be part of an alliance with these 2 and Mad Dog was a definite step in the right direction, but was always cautious of investing too much, because I had a much closer relationship with Debb than I had with Mad Dog, and I don't mean that in a negative way, rather privately Debb was more in my long term plans than what Mad Dog was.
Papa Bear was well on his way to digging his own grave by the time our tribe lost it's one and only challenge prior to the tribe swap, but even still despite the late arrival, and being put me up for sacrifice one round, my social game even managed to pull a 180 here on PB, as the very next round giving me the clues to the HII - which I promptly shared with pretty much everyone. Personally, I never had any great intention or desire of looking for it myself. I would say I did, but never really bothered. No word of a lie, maybe tried 5 different passwords - if that. Why? Because sharing the clues was a way of fostering and building trust with people, and trust is a much more valuable commodity than any HII ever was or ever will be. Not to mention if people suspect you of having a HII it can put a target on your back and that is something I rather preferred to avoid.
After the tribe switch I arrived back on nuMadhesi, along with Stacey and a clutch of former Kirati members. Again I used my delayed arrival in the game as an explanation for why I was on the outs on the original Madhesi, and opened the door in order to work my way in with the former Kirati people. Which brings us to the first real critical vote of the game for me.
Although I was initially intrigued by Stacey's plan to go after Carter, with respect, her lack of detail as to why she would want this as well as the vagueness of the tie break rules meant I was far from convinced that this could be achieved. So I set out to try and cast shade on Artis and indirectly on to Stacey who could then be targeted in the event of a second immunity loss. Hopefully it would have the Kirati people turn on Artis and in so doing keep Kimmi, Mad Dog and I out of the line of fire. So I took some info that Artis had told me, used a little bit of instinct and embellished it.... A lot. Unfortunately it didn't quite work out, and once it was for sure certain that 4 votes were going on Mad Dog, I intentionally strayed, which effectively meant I was letting Mad Dog go myself. This was not done out of cowardice but by trying to take the long view.
- to vote Carter would only potentially cause irretrievable damage to the work I had already put in and fostered with Angie, Carter & Chris
- it would 'show' I was not as tight with the original Madhesi, where I painted a picture of Kimmi and Mad Dog being much more central to the pecking order - something I did repeatedly through the course of the game, which kept the focus off of me.
- Kimmi and I were still on good terms, and needed to make sure it bought us time to get to the merge
- Although in an alliance with Mad Dog, she was not as critical to my plans as had they targeted Kimmi, who I had more of a 1-on-1 connect with
- Setting Stacey up to take the fall as the architect of targeting Carter would put her as the target should we lse another immunity before the merge
Of course Artis and Stacey are both pissed at me and on the surface I was
persona non grata, for having tried to push too hard to divide and conquer the Kirati people by putting the target on Artis, and with Stacey, for having messed with her plans. But Chris and I began to talk in earnest and set plans, all the more noone might suspect, especially when he had been the one putting me on sacrifice at this exact same time. I believe that this did help heal the situation with Artis, and I cant understate how much I learned from this experience in overplaying, followed by rebuilding bridges after burning one. So Artis, wherever you are, you did have a part to play in my getting here. Thanks!
I point this out now because this is something that I managed to achieve with much more success as the game progressed.
What I didn't expect was that Artis rather remarkably pretty much did precisely what I had been
'suggesting' the previous round.
When this came out this shift meant I was no longer in danger here... Except despite trying to keep a low profile following the previous round, I somehow found myself as a defacto liaison between Artis and Stacey which was kind of odd. Anyhow, I leave the organizing of the vote largely to the Kirati people and the vote ended up tied. When it all unfolded and Stacey was still in the game, it was no surprise that I was again going to be in her sights.
Quite simply, I had made a gaff, but I was able to learn from it. And if my instincts and social game had not been up to scratch, I may have been in more trouble Instead of secure in the connections I had in place and was ready for the next phase of the game.
THE MERGE - WHY YOU ARE THERE AND I AM HEREF12The merge had arrived, and with it my ruthless reign was set to begin. Before I go on, I would like to point out that I contributed to every single one of you being there on the Jury. This is no mere coincidence, and neither of my 2 fellow finalists can say this, as both of whom missed the mark on at least 2 occasions each. This I think demonstrates and underlines that I was always had my finger on the pulse and more often than not was able to have a significant influence on what was going to happen at Tribal Council.
That first weekend, it was a matter of patience, but knowing that Stacey would be looking to rekindle connections with the original Rai people, as she knew she could not rely on nuMadhesi to have her back and more than likely, she would want to target me. Jeff and Debb both tried to court me to join the nuKirati people, but with Stacey already aligning with the remaining Rai people meant that this was never a realistic option.
If I had just wanted to go down the line of self preservation for that one or two rounds I could have joined nuKirati. However, that is short sighted knowing that Stacey was wanting to target me in point of fact actually worked to my advantage. As I pointed out that for Debb and Jeff to join nuMadhesi kept their options open, whereas voting me out would only reduce these for them, and think this did influence their decision to come on board in voting out Stacey. But this is important because it kept all of my original Madhesi as well as nuMadhesi options and connections open.
Even Jeff wanted to vote for me
'to save face', and I had to convince him otherwise. Bitch, no you don't. Maybe the game would have been different if he had, and Jeff may have been able to have kept a better connect with Richard, and maybe the whole game works out differently if Jeff had voted for me as he originally wanted to. Who knows? The fact is, he didn't & and we will never know. Meanwhile Denise was being courted to join us also by Angie and co, and suddenly, from being possibly out, 7-5. to being very safely in, 8-4.
In other words, I was able to maintain the most options, and cutting some for Jeff and Debb, as they would be turning their backs on the Rai with whom they had been on the same side as, and which meant that any future plan they had more than likely would have to involve and include me.
This is a theme I am going to touch on a lot. Get used to it, lol.
F11The next round I genuinely did have a migraine, but given the circumstances was more than happy to just go along as Ramona was voted out. There was no need for anything to be done here except let it play out, but as it was someone that had voted for me the previous round, and didn't have an extensive relationship with Ramona beyond a few PM's when she had been an ambassador and a couple more at the merge, I was more than happy to let this one be straightforward play out, and send Ramona over to the Jury.
F10The next round though, things really started getting interesting. The original Madhesi proposed a plan to have an alliance with what was left of the remaining original Rai; Richard and Hayden. Of course I said I was on board, however, instantly this was something I was genuinely concerned about and did not feel was in my personal interest to have happen, for 4 reasons:
- Both of these guys had voted for me less than 48hrs before, so what personal loyalty did they have to me?
- I struggled to be able to get a good read on Richard (and credit to him for this)
- Hayden quickly proved to me how dangerous he could potentially be if he were given the opportunity to work his way into the game, because he is very charming and extremely charismatic.
- Most importantly, what personal connections that I had spent so long developing would I be jeopardizing, if not outright throwing away?
So I stuck with the original Kirati people, and agreed with Carter to throw mine at Hayden instead of Richard. I should note Richard meanwhile proved my concerns to be well founded by taking the situation and leveraging it to make a better one for himself. I respected that, but was just further evidence that my instinct on being not the right move was spot on.
Theoretically, I could have sided with Hayden & Madhesi, and with Chris stray voting Richard, still ended up on the right side of the numbers, but I felt there was a risk here none the less as it would mean putting my faith and my game in the hands of people that had voted for me just days before and secondly, considering Jeff and Debb had voted against them at the merge, how long would it be before Richard and Hayden may look for a little payback? In Richard's case, it was probably only a couple of hours at most.
If anyone feels I am dwelling on this particular point in the game, I beg your indulgence because this vote and the next would prove pretty critical for so many different reasons in what would follow.
F9Voting Hayden out left 2 big issues, because now I had misled Debb, Kimmi and Jeff, and would have to make this right with then. But also where this left me with the original Kirati people and now Richard presented as an alternative option for them to work with instead of me. Seizing on the opportunity afforded by Denise and Angie discussing voting comments, which raised some eyebrows also and noting that the group chat we had been part of at that point was soon to drop off (or as I more strongly suspect just didn't include me anymore) set off even more alarm bells. Taking all this into account it was now time to get Chris to flip, as we had previously discussed the prospect and necessity of this happening at some point. So I had to get Chris to flip, but to make it seem as though he was the one driving it and not me pulling the strings.
So knowing it had to be done now, I set in motion one of my more subtle schemes. First obtaining Chris' OK (but not the full extent of why I was doing it), I fed a line to Denise and Angie about how I had told Chris about how things were shaping up for that previous vote (but supposedly had got cut off before being able to mention it to anyone else) and by manipulating the situation suddenly this put the spotlight on Chris from the remaining original Kirati people. He even admitted to me it made him feel a little uncomfortable by their questioning. This effectively made Chris realize the time to flip had come, but in doing it this way, he would come to that realization himself rather than feeling like I had pulled too many of the strings. This was important, because if Chris was to flip he would want to be recognized for the move, so I had to make the conditions right for him to come to this conclusion himself, but make no mistake, I had intentionally set off the trigger that meant that the time was right.
So Chris flips, but the thing is, it is not just Chris that flips, we move together, because I had not been with the Madhesi group at the previous vote, so it appeared me more returning to the Madhesi fold & able to re-establish the trust within that Madhesi group. And it made perfect logical sense that Denise be the one to go next. After all, I had a prior relationship with Carter and Angie, whereas Denise had only gotten to speak with since the merge. Yet in just this short space, I had already been impressed by how switched on she was and the danger she potentially could pose if allowed to carry on. So the choice between Denise and Angie was no choice at all. Not to mention all the while that it was being propositioned to me that Kimmi go. Kimmi was someone that I had a long term connection with and would drawing heat away from me, so why would I want to lose her at F9? No chance.
F8So Denise goes, and Angie and Chris are steaming at each other, but it did not serve my game to lose either at this point, and having already had a pretty important hand in back to back rounds, would do so again here. In the build up to the previous round, the group chat I had been a part of with Denise, Carter, Chris, Angie & I had broken down, a point I had raised with Carter so I could reference back to it once Denise was gone, as an explanation why I had flipped on them, under the impression that with Denise on the scene I was going to get squeezed out, and with her out of the picture, I would be open to working with Carter & Angie again. So Denise going, again meant keeping the most options for myself going while minimizing them for others. And instead of me getting squeezed out at F5 or F6 would be able to progress so much further - if I chose to go that way.
Again, this is just one example of how I was not just thinking about the immediate vote coming out, but how I would be able to work my way in with those I had previously gone against. Leaving these little breadcrumbs that I could reference back to in conversations that would lend credibility to what I was saying when re-establishing trust, and this is so very important when trying to play the middle. There are other examples of this, if anyone wants to know more. Anyhow on this occasion I used this as the pretext to keep both Angie and Carter on my side, with the pretext that with the weekend looming there might be time for a reconciliation between Angie and Chris - and possibly open the doorway to get to the end as that 4some - if we could get through that one round.
And it was with this in mind that Richard had to go next. Chris and the orig Madhesi wanted Angie gone. Chris (& I think Kimmi, who from memory was flying home that evening) had prevoted Angie. I did not want Angie gone, because not only was Angie an option for me, and her going at F8 would be as much a waste as potentially losing Kimmi would have been at F9. No chance.
By contrast, Richard was a wild card, and I mean this as a compliment. I was very concerned about leaving an 'X' factor like this in the game, to be allowed to float and be an option for people to work with down the line. I had a reasonable handle on where every other player in the game stood except for Richard. If you are uncertain about where they stand or you can't predict their behaviour, then that is a liability. I needed to be the only 'X' factor in the game - even if I didn't always appear to be that. So for these reasons I set about getting Richard out, by getting Angie and Carter to agree to put their vote on him, then shortly before TC floated the idea to Madhesi that we should throw a vote on Richard 'in case of a HII play'. Jeff agreed to this just before TC, so I now had what I needed, even though I didn't let on I fully intended on doing this also. It would be enough.I played it off in discussion as being that there had been a miscommunication, but knew what I was doing.
F7Going into last weekend then, it meant that the attention was all on Angie. And I certainly played my part with keeping it there for most of the weekend, so everyone coulf go off and enjoy the break from the game. But while everyone focused with the target on Angie, I was taking stock and weighing up what each person's case, should they make it to the end, as well as taking into account the various scenarios that may prove to be spanners in the works. I honestly did not want Angie to go at F7, as I genuinely liked Angie, and she would still be a target if left in the game, but without posing that same potential threat to throw a spanner in the works than what others might. Sadly, it was around this time that Chris and I relationship began to show some cracks also, after having gone behind his back to take out Richard. I had explained to him what I hoped to achieve by this, but felt only reprimanded, but more importantly Chris sought to curb my proactive play.
But like players from Rob C to Tony V have showed, once you start playing an aggressive, dynamic game, you have to play it all the way. If you are going to do it, it cannot be half arsed or and you can't be caught sitting back which becomes the recipe to complacency. I had to finish what I had started. In the context of this game, and in character with the game I had played, I could not sit back. Not now. It had gone past the point where that was really an option. I had to stay proactive and on the offensive. The job was only half done and needed to be finished.
As much as I loved playing with him, it was clear that Chris was emerging as a big threat in his own right - a true triple threat - and that sitting beside him, especially if I did take his counsel and just allowed the game to flow and be a passenger, which under other circumstances might seem like good advice, it would be bad for the game I had played so far. So I set in motion a plan to blindside Chris the first time he didn't have immunity, which i had hoped would be that Sunday night (last week).
Of course, the best laid plans of mice and men and all that...
Chris won immunity, the plan got leaked and regretfully Angie had to go as there wasn't any time to change things up after that. However I had said that afternoon if Carter or Angie had a HII it might not be a bad time to use it... but that is what it is. This was the one of the few times things did not go according to plan, but there was always the Plan B to go back on that had been set up since the Thursday. It wasn't going to backfire on me at least, even if I really did not want to be voting Angie out... yet.
F6Anyhow, we move on to the F6, and after Chris comments at the previous TC, I suspect he knows I was on board to take him out had he not won, but as I mentioned was able to deny it, because the only person I had directly spoken to about it was Debb. As the round progresses, I get to talking to Carter and Chris, knowing that between them, one of them is was highly likely had to have a HII. I wasn't sure who and neither said that they did, but had always felt as if 1 of Angie/Chris/Carter had one and with Angie out of the picture the safe bet was that one of them did. In truth for a long time I thought it had been Chris, but was not for sure certain, only that it seemed most logical. Again playing both sides here and saying yes to both sides, but knowing that Carter was not happy with both Debb and I, by teaming up with Chris and Carter, at least ensured that the target was not going to be me. I am really sorry Debb, but there was an element of self preservation this round, and as it turned out, everyone else but the 2 of us would be immune, so it really was between you and I and I needed to do what I could to make sure it wasn't me.
However, in a perfect world, it had been my intention since the start to be sitting alongside you here today.
F5After all the Idols were flushed at the previous vote, it meant that the game once again was entirely in my hands at F5 and it would go the way of my choosing, with a pair on either side. Having just voted out Debb, under the circumstances of so many HII plays, I was in a position to now align back with Kimmi and Jeff or stay with Carter and Chris here. I have previously said it, in my opinion Chris was by far the biggest single danger to sit beside at the end; and that includes Carter or anyone else. It was a matter of necessity to take Chris out. This is what happened, and as it happened. the F3 you have in front of you today was because of my choice, as I could have been sitting here with Chris and Carter. Either way I would be sitting here and not as a goat, but as someone that had called so many of the shots in the game. And this was just the latest of many.
F4Sadly Carter really did not take this final betrayal at all well, declaring that he was most pissed about all the lying. Newsflash! This is Survivor. Lying and deception happens. And with respect, everyone is guilty of it. However Carter elected to back himself into a corner where only winning immunity would ensure his place at the FTC. Had he talked, who knows? I was naturally concerned about going to the end with Carter, but to not even try to arrange something just in case? Kimmi had. Jeff had. Carter, nope. I know Carter, you were not very happy about my comments that you had checked out at this point, and do hope your friend is OK, but there is more than one way to do something in this game and to put all your eggs in the one basket of winning immunity or bust is a sign of someone that has given up all other hope, and the only person's game Carter hurt by doing that was his own, sadly.
ChallengesOh, I assume this will be something that someone may want to bring up, my record in the challenges. Again I think it highlights the game I played that I was always vulnerable and never needed immunity. Long story short, although it may not seem it, I did actually have a challenge strategy, and it was three pronged:
- First,, it was to intentionally not pursue any of the immunities up for grabs
- Second, to learn everything I could from them about everyone in the game. I may not have been very active but I was always very attentive.
- Third, not being seen as a challenge threat people could get comfortable in their mindset that if need be they could take me out anytime, only I would be too much in control to let that happen by the time they would want to get around to it.
For what it is worth, winning challenges, and especially individual ones is a very easy way to put a target on someone's back, and this was something I was aiming to avoid as much as possible. Especially those that are speed or skill based. And of those that were not this way related, the best thing you can do is learn about your opponents.
SummaryYou may not like the game I played, and there are certainly people that are more well liked in this game than I dare say I am - indeed, a few of you are on the Jury for that very reason. Personally, I am very different from the person you may think of me right now in real, but in the context of this game I used my social game that would set up the connections I needed to make it this far, and had to be every bit as heartless and ruthless as I could in order to achieve what I have and play the game I did.
In the end you have to respect the fact I ripped this game up, and owned it in a way no one else can even come close to claiming. The carnage and the wreckage I left in my wake is proof of the instinct and effect I had, which was unmatched by anyone else in this game. As I even taught my daughter,
So, yes, I manipulated. I twisted the truth. I flipped and flopped repeatedly. And then did it again. I put targets on people and left shields in the game. Tried as best I could to limit the options of other players to make sure I was always in their plans, and by so doing kept as many as I could open for myself. I may have been a bitch, but it was done to aid minimizing the target on myself, while at the same time was able to inflate the target on others.And my positioning post merge and the ability to play both sides was always key.
Most importantly, I have the blood of every single person on the Jury on my hands. I am not embarrassed or shy away from this, rather I embrace it and wear it as a badge of honour; testament to the game I played, the effect I had and the mark I have left on it. There is only one person that can say that they contributed to every single one of you sitting where you are now and why I am sitting here.
Because of my social game, people trusted me, they believed me, and if they doubted me were either taken out or were forced to work with me, because I had eliminated other potential options. So even when I had gone against them the round before, proved time and time again was able to re-establish those connections, rebuild bridges and work with them again, only if I were to betray them again or indeed, even vote them out at the next opportunity. You can't do that unless you have a strong social game, and I put a lot of effort into this.
Neither Jeff or Kimmi can come close to laying claim to this. They pretty much picked an alliance and stuck to it. Neither was prepared to take the chances I did or would be as ruthless or dynamic. Even when they had arranged to make a move, such as with Hayden and Richard at F10, it was ill conceived and failed. Not just because I did not go along with it (although that certainly played a part, as it certainly was not in my best interests), but because it was also reliant on people that just 2 rounds before had been stung, and in Richard's case at least, had not properly healed.
All of which was achieved without ever once having immunity at any point. So while I potentially was vulnerable at every point along the way, the style of game I played and my ability to embrace it and position myself accordingly while playing all sides meant that I never needed any such immunity. There is always a way of surviving without immunity, and think I have conclusively proven that here. I am not looking to diminish the efforts of anyone who is good at challenges, but reliance on this is an error when there are much bigger components there also.
Overall, I'd say my game was a definite step-up from both Kimmi and Jeff's. For winning the odd challenge and bveing likeable and loyal, neither of them can claim to have impacted the game as I have. Or to have been anywhere near as dynamic as I have been. I took a stack of risks in this game, including voting out allies, but there was always a reason behind each move I made and how it would best suit my game, and my game alone, thanks as much to having played a solid social game, as it opened the doors for me to play the strategic game I did.
So, I don't know if this'll actually give you all the information you need or want out of me, or whatever, so be free to ask me any questions you want answered and will be more than happy to answer them. I have been brutal in this game, so I am anticipating some brutal questions and I promise you will get the brutal and honest truth. And while I am sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, Just know that I don't regret any of my moves at all and I don't regret the decisions I made in the context of this game. I am very different outside of this game, but I am not asking that you take that into account, only judging me based on the game and how it related to getting me to this point here and being able to present the case I have.
So, yeah, once more, thanks for the opportunity to play and for making this such a fun experience!
It has been a blast owning the shizznit out of this game, I think I definitely outwitted and outplayed, and now it is up to you all to determine if I deserve to earn your vote in having outlasted everyone also. There can only be one, and I definitely think I am worthy of being that one.