Cast Reveal

Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:19:37 pm

Angie wrote:
Kimmi wrote:Thanks, hosts, that was a pleasant surprise. I won't lie, I didn't think I was really that big a threat and that it was all hype. Of course, I wasn't going to admit that in game, but I definitely thought it. I wanted to make more moves, and I hate sticking with the obvious votes as much as the next guy. But that whole "threat" label kind of limited my options a bit and forced me to go the more safe route. I tried though. Lordy knows I tried

I really did go into FTC with the intention to vote for you, because I respected the fact that you got there regardless of whether you were the one making huge moves or not. It's just... your FTC answers... were... I'm sorry... :(

Ugh, I know. I was so nervous going into FTC because I really didn't think I had much of a leg to stand on and then there was all the hype as me being a threat, I didn't think I'd be able to live up to those expectations. My confidence in my game was shaken, to say the least, and I know it showed in my FTC answers. I'm just glad I got at least one vote.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Lisa » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:20:13 pm

Kimmi wrote:
Angie wrote:
Kimmi wrote:Thanks, hosts, that was a pleasant surprise. I won't lie, I didn't think I was really that big a threat and that it was all hype. Of course, I wasn't going to admit that in game, but I definitely thought it. I wanted to make more moves, and I hate sticking with the obvious votes as much as the next guy. But that whole "threat" label kind of limited my options a bit and forced me to go the more safe route. I tried though. Lordy knows I tried

I really did go into FTC with the intention to vote for you, because I respected the fact that you got there regardless of whether you were the one making huge moves or not. It's just... your FTC answers... were... I'm sorry... :(

Ugh, I know. I was so nervous going into FTC because I really didn't think I had much of a leg to stand on and then there was all the hype as me being a threat, I didn't think I'd be able to live up to those expectations. My confidence in my game was shaken, to say the least, and I know it showed in my FTC answers. I'm just glad I got at least one vote.

And wasn't this your first FTC too?
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Caryn » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:20:24 pm

Holy shit that's actually legitimately fucking depressing, and it's not even about me....
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:20:24 pm

and, oh, hey, Green Monster, I actually recognize you icon_smile
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:20:43 pm

1st Place - Winner
-Class President-

Played by: SkoofyKen/BigBroCan (Reddit)

Jeff wrote:I think you were underestimated by everyone before the season started. I'm talking specifically of the hosts and the lurkers, myself included. We knew you had the potential, as did everyone, but you were placed on a tribe with the most veterans to online gaming and as such the odds were stacked against you should the tribe have lost Immunity. Well the tribe did lose Immunity and much to everyone's surprise you were not only fine, but you were running things. For someone new to the game to be able to adapt that quickly and outplay everyone is truly special. I was told before the season that I probably shouldn't try to get that many new players because they all suck and they all get owned. Well you are now my proof that new players are the best kind. You were not only the best player this season, but also the most entertaining. I think you will see that everyone is THRILLED you were able to convince the jurors that you were worthy of the win (a lot of help came from Debb on that one, so you should really thank her). I thought with a convincing enough argument you might be able to eek out some votes, but the cards were stacked so highly against you that your win is even more impressive. I had a blast watching you, watching your paranoid fits. I loved watching you handle players like Chris, Lisa, Papa Bear masterfully. I think most of all I loved that you loved the game. There's something special about everyone's first game. You'll remember it fondly no matter how many games you played. I believe that there is also something special in watching someone's first time playing a game and you are proof positive that it's what makes this series special and you are the motivation I will take in getting more and more new players for seasons to come.

Cochran wrote:I want to have it in writing that I apologize for writing you off before the game even began. I wrote in my pregame assesment that you were screwed. You were THE ONLY NOOB in a tribe full of vets, some of them being evtremely OTT and others being really level headed strategists. I thought it would be too much for you to handle, and that you would survive on tribe challenge wins alone. HOLY SHIT HOW WRONG WAS I. You came out of the gate ready to play and you were set with literally no problem. You had alliances with a core group, but were always in good with the outliers, and honetly had no chance of going home at all. I was impressed, and it just got better, you started to have fun with it, outwardly doing evil things here and there just for fun, causing havoc cuz you were and safe and you COULD. You were a main component in BOTH of Lisa and Papa Bear (The Pre merge Entertainment outside of yourself) and got to the merge with pretty much no target at all?!?! The merge happens, you get in your fight with Ramon, legendary, and then you kinda get down on your luck after that, you think your a goat and it isn't fair, because it wasn't. But then you posted the confessional of wanting to have fun again and that really changed you back into the winner you deserve to be. You KILLED FTC and showed enough people that you really deserved this. You are great to watch, a great player, and the most satisfying end to this season. Thank you.

Marissa wrote:KING.JEFF!! You fucking SLAAAAYEDD this game. Fuck these haters and fuck these hos that's how you bring it on Stranded. You had everything wrapped around your little finger and bitch you got everything you wanted in this game. This victory is so above and beyond deserved since you truly put your heart in this game. From finding those impossible immunity idols (with help from Richard. icon_whistling), to setting your alliances up so that you always were in the centre, to completely misting everyone into believing the wolf was actually just a goat. In what was an ok season, you were completely shined bright and made me stay into it season when it was killing my interest level (Seriously a Pagonging on a three tribe season). From a game play stand point top notch. Even more so you were so undeniably entertaining. You were absolutely hilarious in your confessional and just fucked around for the sake of fucking around with people. Words can not express how much I loved you this season. Not only do you win the
Marissy for the Best Player of the Season but you win the Marissy for Most Valuable Player as not only were you strategically brilliant but completely entertaining.

Ashley wrote:YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. From really early on when you started looking for idols I knew you were going to be my favourite and I snatched you up in the cast draft icon_wub such a marvel to watch, very plainly the best player of the season and if you win, you definitely deserve it!

Holly wrote:Probably the most deserved winner and I do hope you get it. Played really well, fought all the way. Congrats.

Yul wrote:Without a doubt you deserve what you got tonight. Congratulations. From the beginning you were a strategic force in the game - you had some struggles, but that's what makes your victory so good, because you had to overcome obstacles. My favorite moments was this last week when you had a meltdown over the fact that the jury seemed to be looking at Kimmi as the obvious winner, and that bothered you. I'm glad it bothered you, because you fought harder. Once again, you deserve this, congratulations.

Caryn wrote:THANK JUPITER'S COCK THAT YOU WON THIS THING. The jurors may not have seen it, but from the Lurker's and Hosts perspective, you clearly played the best game. You were a social butterfly and you knew how to charm the fuck out of people and make them feel special. You were given literally every idol clue in the game, all because you played a strong social game and had connections. You made sure you talked to everyone to cover all your bases and make them feel like they can trust you. And it worked. And to top it all off, your strategic game was on point. You orchestrated the Lisa blindside, the Stacey blindside, the Ramona vote off, the Richard vote off. You had a lot of influence in most of the decisions of the game, and you STILL managed to be entertaining. You were like a cartoon villain in the game because you lied and fucked over a lot of people and then laughed about it in your confessional, and your confessionals were pure GOLD. You were the STAR of the game, and you also managed to be the winner, and that's just amazing.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Angie » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:21:08 pm

Kimmi wrote:Ugh, I know. I was so nervous going into FTC because I really didn't think I had much of a leg to stand on and then there was all the hype as me being a threat, I didn't think I'd be able to live up to those expectations. My confidence in my game was shaken, to say the least, and I know it showed in my FTC answers. I'm just glad I got at least one vote.

If I had known you were only going to get one, I would have voted for you just because I do think you deserve more than one vote. I don't think you would've won either way, but one vote seems a bit too little for my moral comfort haha
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:21:30 pm

Lisa wrote:
Kimmi wrote:
Angie wrote:
I really did go into FTC with the intention to vote for you, because I respected the fact that you got there regardless of whether you were the one making huge moves or not. It's just... your FTC answers... were... I'm sorry... :(

Ugh, I know. I was so nervous going into FTC because I really didn't think I had much of a leg to stand on and then there was all the hype as me being a threat, I didn't think I'd be able to live up to those expectations. My confidence in my game was shaken, to say the least, and I know it showed in my FTC answers. I'm just glad I got at least one vote.

And wasn't this your first FTC too?

Yup. And my highest placement in an org so far, so that's something to be proud of
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Debb » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:22:34 pm

jeff <333

you were such a deserving winner. if i didn't win i wanted it to be you, and i was glad i was able to do what i could to (maybe) sway some votes your way. really a great job. it would have been a travesty if you didn't win.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Caryn » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:23:11 pm

Do I call you SkoofyKen or BigBroCan?
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:24:06 pm

Debb wrote:jeff <333

you were such a deserving winner. if i didn't win i wanted it to be you, and i was glad i was able to do what i could to (maybe) sway some votes your way. really a great job. it would have been a travesty if you didn't win.

I wouldn't say travesty icon_ha But you are a great winner, Jeff. As much as I wanted to win, I meant it when I said I'd be ok losing to you or Tina.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:24:13 pm

Also, I would like to personally invite all the new players and those of you who haven't already to register on I will be posting the cover for Stranded in Nepal there as well as updates for next season of Stranded which I will be announcing here shortly.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Lisa » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:25:07 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:Also, I would like to personally invite all the new players and those of you who haven't already to register on I will be posting the cover for Stranded in Nepal there as well as updates for next season of Stranded which I will be announcing here shortly.

Does this mean I can also get an account on the Stranded forums?
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:25:12 pm

Caryn wrote:Do I call you SkoofyKen or BigBroCan?

Whichever you would like. Scoofyken is more of my nickname but bigbrothercan is my reddit ID
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:25:35 pm

Also, Angie, if it wasn't clear by my username, I'm a dude icon_laughing It always cracked me up when I mentioned my roommates to people and conveniently didn't mention gender and people assumed they were female.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:25:36 pm

Lisa wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Also, I would like to personally invite all the new players and those of you who haven't already to register on I will be posting the cover for Stranded in Nepal there as well as updates for next season of Stranded which I will be announcing here shortly.

Does this mean I can also get an account on the Stranded forums?

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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:25:46 pm

Debb wrote:jeff <333

you were such a deserving winner. if i didn't win i wanted it to be you, and i was glad i was able to do what i could to (maybe) sway some votes your way. really a great job. it would have been a travesty if you didn't win.

<3333 thanks so much
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Kimmi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:26:16 pm

Jeff Probst wrote:
Lisa wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Also, I would like to personally invite all the new players and those of you who haven't already to register on I will be posting the cover for Stranded in Nepal there as well as updates for next season of Stranded which I will be announcing here shortly.

Does this mean I can also get an account on the Stranded forums?


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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Angie » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:26:49 pm

Kimmi wrote:Also, Angie, if it wasn't clear by my username, I'm a dude icon_laughing It always cracked me up when I mentioned my roommates to people and conveniently didn't mention gender and people assumed they were female.

I'm not THAT stupid icon_laughing And I thought you were. At least, up until the merge. At nuMadhesi I thought you were a girl and I got excited because Probst only said there were 2-3 (?) girls this season and I wanted to meet all of them lol
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Jeff » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:26:56 pm

also I totally admit I was really losing it those last few days, running on empty mostly and it probably made me look like a crazed lunatic.
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Re: Cast Reveal

Postby Denise » Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:28:38 pm

Angie wrote:
Kimmi wrote:I'm not THAT stupid icon_laughing And I thought you were. At least, up until the merge. At nuMadhesi I thought you were a girl and I got excited because Probst only said there were 2-3 (?) girls this season and I wanted to meet all of them lol

Holy shit, I didn't know there were that few. Who else is actually a chick??
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